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Cultural Capital

What is cultural Capital?
Cultural capital is the accumulation of knowledge, behaviours, and skills that a child can draw upon and which demonstrates their cultural awareness, knowledge and competence; it is one of the key ingredients a pupil will draw upon to be successful in society, their career and the world of work.

Cultural capital gives power. It helps children achieve goals, become successful, and rise up the social ladder without necessarily having wealth or financial capital. Cultural capital is having assets that give children the desire to aspire and achieve social mobility whatever their starting point.

There are six key areas of development that are interrelated and cumulatively contribute to a child’s Cultural Capital:

  1. Personal Development 
  2. Social Development
  3. Physical Development
  4. Spiritual Development
  5. Moral Development
  6. Cultural Development

We seek to value and celebrate the uniqueness of each child and their heritage. To provide a curriculum in which our children see themselves and are seen, which recognises and builds on the cultural capital that our families bring to the school, as well as exposing children to key powerful elements of British and world culture.  We aim to provide our pupils with a wealth of enrichment experiences throughout their time at OLOL. We do this through school trips, workshops and visitors. Each Year Group makes its own unique contribution to children's Cultural Capital development and a list of some of them can be found here:  

OLOL Cultural Capital