Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
All schools are also required to teach Religious Education. In our school, our Catholic faith underpins everything we do. For further information regarding the teaching of RE at Our Lady of Lourdes, please click on the 'Catholic Life' tab followed by 'RE Curriculum'.
The New National Curriculum 2014 is applicable to all children of compulsory school age from Year 1 to Year 6.
The new document contains the programmes of study, and attainment targets, for all subjects in Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6).
The subjects in the New National Curriculum 2014 for Key Stage 1 are: English, Maths, Science, Computing, Art and Design, History, Geography, Music, Physical Education, Design Technology and PSHE/Relationships Education
The subjects in the New National Curriculum for Key Stage 2 are the same as the subjects taught in KS1 with the addition of Foreign Language. The foreign language taught at Our Lady of Lourdes in Key Stage 2 is Spanish.
Below you will find the yearly curriculum overviews of what will be taught in each year group from Y1-Y6 at Our Lady of Lourdes - in the different subjects as set out in the New National Curriculum. These overviews are summaries of the content that is taught in each class.
If you would like a more detailed overview please click here which will take you to the full New National Curriculum 2014 document. The full document is very detailed and gives more information regarding spelling patterns, for example to be taught in each year group.