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The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Barbara Costa (Executive Headteacher)
The other members of the safeguarding team are Heather Kilcommons (Head of School) and Ruth Newmark (Inclusion Leader)
The nominated governor for safeguarding is Sioban Thomas (Foundation Governor)
The designated lead for looked after children is Ruth Newmark (Inclusion Leader)
To ensure our children are safe and secure we have a number of systems in place. They include:
- CCTV cameras installed around the school site
- A secure entry system
- Panic buttons in the classrooms
- Members of staff standing on the school gate at drop off and pick up times
- All staff being issued with photo identity lanyards
- All staff reading and understanding the school Child Protection and Safeguarding policy
- Adults who visit the school being required to sign in and out, and wear a visitor’s badge at all times
- All adults working regularly with children being subject to a DBS check
- Adults who occasionally help at school never being left alone with the children
- Parents, volunteers, Governors, supply staff and contractors reading and signing a Visitors’ Briefing Document
- Extra- curricular clubs providing the school with their DBS
- All staff, and the nominated Safeguarding Governor, receiving safeguarding training at least every three years
- Staff, governors, parents and children signing an Acceptable Use Agreement
- Childline and safeguarding posters being displayed around the school building
Every member of staff has a responsibility to identify children who may be in need of extra help or who are suffering, or are likely to suffer, significant harm. We have a responsibility to take appropriate action and follow the school’s safeguarding procedures, this may involve working with other services such as Children’s Social Care, as required.
Read the school’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy here.
Please click the links below for further government guidance on safeguarding children.